i've already watched this movie mase kuar cinema on aPril...but that time everyone kuar dari cinema saying its good...best and fun...sad...touched and many more...but last sAturday i went to see it again...with someone...die blum tgk movie nie so i warned die...its sad movie...die kate okey...and die a big fan of aRwah yAsmin...so die ralat x sempat tgk mase keluar cinema dulu...
so we went in...x ramai org even its sAturday...maybe takut h1n1 kot...cume 2 baris dari belakang penuh and ade here and there...movie start...everyone diam...and awal cerita semuanya macam kelakar...i ketawa sebab dengar die ketawa...but then sampai part sedih...everyone dalam house tue senyap... sampai part kat hospital tue...my eyes dah start sakit...and i think air mata i menitik jatuh...i kesat...jatuh lagi...i tengok sebelah...die pun tgh kesat air mata...and then i remember something...hurm...die mesti rase ape yang i rase mase tue...i biarkan je die layan perasaan...i tgk budak depan i...kesat air mata jugak...
bile movie abis semua org keluar...and still silence lagi...i tgk ramai yang mata merah...termasuk die...how yAsmin's movie touched our heart...it's magic...kate die...hehe...but i say...yAsmin adalah kita dan kita adalah yAsmin...
hurm...i still wonder...
siot ko x ajak aku sekali!
motif gie dating nak ajak ko...
motif nya sgt jelas di situ ya!
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