Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saya masuk contest Dianbizzcorner...

Woot woot...saya tengah melangut kat facebook tetiba one of my friend update this link kat wall die...huhu...ape lagi...saya pantang nampak contest contest yang melibatkan vacation nie...saya confirm akan gigihkan diri untuk join...walaupon rezeki kemenangan tak pernah nak menoleh ke arah saya...
( T.T ) sedih kan...huhuhu...

Contest nie senang je wei...kalo korang tak masuk memang rugi...hahaha...syarat syarat die kat bawah nie...

1. Be Dianbizzcorner & Just's shoppe follower.

( dah follow dah 2 2 blog...)

2. Post an entry with the banner. In your entry, tell me about your dream Holiday not more than 10 words, with a candid picture of your pass holiday with family or loved one.

( nie pon dah buat...)

3. Banner must be place at the sidebar and linked to this entry.

( nie pon dah...)

4. Comments this entry with your permalink.

( dah komen dah...hahahah...sambil gelak puas hati...)

Senang je kan...saya rase lah boss blog tue memang baik hati and ikhlas nak bagi hadiah kat orang...hahaha...matilah ayat bodek gile kan...ape hadiah die???korang tgk le sendiri kat link yg saya dah letak tue...huhu...

Eh korang...ape tunggu lagi...gie lah join...esok due date die...hahaha...sempat lagik nie...kalo menang first price bawak saya gie jalan eh...hahaha...

This is me babe...Aidil Asyraf Azman

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