hEi babe...lame x update kan...been buzy lately...last week is hectic for me...party...work...social life...work...party again...hahaha...too many good thing happened...first major party is at hIlman's place...a small gathering and totally good food...
wE had bbq...lots of it...yum yum...
aPple dip in choc with a splash of white choc on top...huhu...that fArhat totally rock the choc dip...
a yUmmy fruit salad...

sNack...for our games...hehehe...

jElly...huhu...sAlleh totally into this...

tUck in guys...sampai pengsan...from left is nIezam...fArhat...mE...nAbill...kHairi nUar...the red shirt is sAlleh i think...and sYafiq with the cap...

tHat nasi goreng kampung is totally heaven...from zz...after we all done stuffing food in our stomach we play this stupid and scary game...hahaha...truth or dare...from left is hIlman...fIrdaus...iMran...aIzue...rEdzuan...kHairi nUar and sAlleh...

nIezam dah tergaru garu...belum start game lah babe...

already feel the tense yer babe...masak lah semua...those yang x nak truth kene dare to eat...hahahaha...since everyone dah too full...ramai yang surrender to do the truth except nAbil yang mempertahankan kisah cinta dia...so he had to eat all the leftover...hahaha...salute to nAbil...
then later that week i had to go to kUala lumpur for some meeting...and since i am the secetary of the club...so i have no choice to join the meeting...hahaha...actually i was looking forward to have pillow fight with nAzry aZmy and his so called soul mate...aRif eDdy...hahaha...
wE were waiting for the arrival of the other member...
sTress???acting cute lah...hahaha...

tHe meeting is for our ECBA...too make it more relevent and strong in any other way...
ECBA stand for eNglish cOllege bAnd aLumni...

tHumb up...for us lah...hehehe...

tEnsion rise in our head...hahaha...too many idea and solution but too little time...

eVen nAufal join us in yM...from uK...hehehe...what a great spirit nAufal...

aNd hE join us for 4 hours...hahaha...and what a cute picture of nAufal right...hehehe...

nIce pout sYa...hehehe...nAguib jealous arr tue...

tHis time everyone dah tak larat...our head cannot take it anymore...hahaha...meeting an thinking all day long...

cUpcake model...hehehe...fArhat...nAguib and nAzry aZmy...

aNother set of cupcake model...sYafizal...nAzry hIsyam and aRif...

sUprised...happy birthday to our president...huhu...suke lah tue...

wHat a cute cupcake right...hahaha...with our theme colour...

tAdaa...dah abis dah...
after semua dah settle down...we went for dinner...and fun...and nAzry suggest we go to have fun in rEd bOx...party pack for 6 complete with dinner and supper...hehehe...

hEiiiiii (f#)...hahaha...what a great duet...nAzry and nAguib...

tHere goes nAguib with whitney houston song...
tHat make all of us fall asleep...hahaha...serious...that song is so boring...

mE with hOsni...hahaha...lucky we didn't wear any tie or he will grab it...hahaha...
then when i'm back in jB...the fun didn't stop there...we had this makan makan at rAwa steamboat restaurant...hehehe...its all about food and fun...
mE pose while aRif is control his 'cun'ness back there...
mAkan lagi...makan and makan...from left is aFfiq...hIlman...aBg fAizal...aRif...nIezam and hAzwan...
mY faV station at rAwa...hehe...
sEashell...and vegetables...
dRink station and ice cream potong...
mE with ice cream...yummy...
so that whole week it's all fun for me...hahaha...
this is me babe...see u soon...
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