Dalam bulan Jun nie ramai insan insan yang kite kenal telah pergi meninggalkan kite...hanya nama dan jasa mereka yang boleh kite kenang...semoga roh mereka diberkati oleh tuhan mereka...

and on last Wed my fren's dad passed away...die sedih sgt coz die rapat with his dad...and die the only son...so die quite sad...i can feel his pain and sadness...sbb i pun baru lost someone that i love...and i belum sempat jumpa die lagi...coz die buzy with all the funeral thing...and since die chinese and i tak tau sgt their adat so i just let him be je...tapi i msg die everyday and semalam die call kate everything dah ok...and dlm mase terdekat die nak jumpe i...nak share his feeling...
huhu...sedihnye this month...
may everyone rest in peace...
edie britt mati dlm desperate housewives je kan...
pun nk include ke kat cni?
sape kwn chinese ko tue? cheng yip ke?
bulan ni bulan sedeh utk bulan~ huhu
tau xpe...sedih seh...yg edie pun watak penting tau dlam hidup bulan...so nak kira jugak...
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