Saturday, July 30, 2011

Note to myself...

You make this entry so in future you can look back and see how stupid you are at this time...
You always think all the people that you know are nice...
When your friend ask about always said nice thing about them...
But the truth is almost half of them is bullshit...jerk...not so nice...(hopefully you still remember them...)

You must always remember...
Never put to much hope or expect more from other people...
Sometimes they just want one thing and you know it...
And congratulation to still one-man-person until now...(hopefully that didn't change bitch...)

You make a few mistake...
So better make it right...before it became worse...
You kiss the wrong totally wrong...
And congratulation to you just one kiss and it didn't lead to anywhere more comfortable...

Some people are talking about you...
They said bad thing about you...and they spread it like a virus...
You notice right few of your friend is avoiding you...(you know what kind of friend...)
So what did you do???Forgive them and moved on...( be honest and forgive them...they worthless...)

I personally think...
You look even more cuter now...
Yes you are...believe me... :)
What??? *raised eyebrow...

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